to story overview
July 8, 2021

A Good Tale Begins With A Walk

Each month the Future Justice programme publishes stories from students and alumni, presenting their visions of the future. Each participant offers a glimpse of a possible future, from their own perspective and artistic practice.

Laila Saber Rodriguez is an interdisciplinary artist, and her artistic research practice is based on the exploration of movement. In her video, the fourth essay for Future Justice, Laila takes the viewer on a walk in the compound in Cairo where she grew up in. While walking, she is contemplating the concept of justice, and stitching together ideas of time, space, memory, care and touch. Do you walk along?


Laila Saber Rodriguez (1998) is an Egyptian and Mexican interdisciplinary artist and researcher, and a graduate of BEAR 2021 (Base for Experiment Art and Research). Laila’s artistic research practice is based on the exploration of movement. She is interested in the poetic ways in which movement manifests in spaces, particularly geographical spaces and spaces in memory. Laila often asks how movement operates in historical narratives, such as in erasure, in preservation, in death, in birth, and on land. Historical speculation is key for Laila, as it opens dialogue in how to (un)discover ways of operating and engaging with(in) the world. 

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Future Justice is a programme that has been developed on behalf of ArtEZ Studium Generale and is run by the Aesthetics & Cultures of Technology professorship in cooperation with the Honours Lab.